Member Profile

Bill Mueller

CEO - Start A Network

Bill is the CEO and Co-founder of Start A Network, a Community Platform and App which can be used for Professional Networking Groups, Website Directories, Associations, Chambers or Commerce or any sized Club or Group. Whether it is a public facing website, AI content generation, or the monetization of your group we can set you up to succeed.

Fast Facts

Business Profile

Start A Network is an innovative software platform launched in 2023 that helps business networks stay connected and engaged between in-person meetings. Our mission is to strengthen business relationships and facilitate growth opportunities for professional networks of all sizes. With, members can seamlessly communicate and collaborate year-round through our suite of tools, users can easily view and share network contacts, showcase their meetings, send direct and group messages, and more, enabling meaningful interactions to continue well beyond the last event or conference. Beyond enabling connection, also provides network leaders with tools to manage members, share announcements, monetize, and grow. Backed by a passionate team focused on network growth, is the leading platform purpose-built to improve the network experience for organizations and professionals alike. Sign up today to energize your network.

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